Automating Deadlock Resolution with DBMS_SCHEDULER


We often encounter customers reporting application is hung/ not responding. Upon checking most of the time we observe blocking sessions. Deadlocks occur when two or more sessions block each other while waiting for resources, causing a standstill in database operations. This solution automates the detection and resolution of such conflicts, significantly reducing downtime and ensuring seamless database performance.

Database deadlocks and prolonged locks can cause performance degradation, especially when critical tables are involved. To address this, I’ve implemented a DBMS_SCHEDULER job that automatically identifies and terminates sessions causing contention on specific tables. Here's how I achieved this:


1. Creating the Procedure

The first step is to define a PL/SQL procedure that identifies and kills sessions based on specific criteria, such as duration of the lock, session status, and the affected tables. This procedure will check for locked session for more than 2 mins.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE kill_blocked_sessions AS


    FOR rec IN (

        SELECT s.sid,


               ROUND((SYSDATE - s.logon_time) * 24 * 60) AS logon_time_minutes,


        FROM   v$session s

        JOIN   v$session_wait w

               ON s.sid = w.sid

        JOIN   v$locked_object l

               ON s.sid = l.session_id

        JOIN   dba_objects o

               ON l.object_id = o.object_id

        WHERE  w.event IN ('enq: TX - row lock contention', 'enq: TM - contention')

        AND    s.status = 'ACTIVE'

        AND    (SYSDATE - s.logon_time) * 24 * 60 >= 2 -- Lock duration exceeds 2 minutes

      --  AND    o.object_name IN ('SESSION_LOG_INFO', 'USER_LOG_INFO')

       -- AND    o.owner = 'TESTUSER'

    ) LOOP

        -- Kill the session

        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION ''' || rec.sid || ',' || rec.serial# || ''' IMMEDIATE';

        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Killed session: SID=' || rec.sid || ', Serial#=' || rec.serial# || ', Table=' || rec.object_name);






This procedure:

  • Targets sessions holding locks on specific tables (SESSION_LOG_INFO, USER_LOG_INFO etc.).
  • Filters for sessions with a lock duration exceeding 2 minutes and an active status.
  • Terminates these sessions using the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command.

2. Scheduling the Job

To ensure this procedure runs periodically, I created a DBMS_SCHEDULER job that executes it every minute. The job definition is as follows:



        job_name        => 'AUTO_KILL_BLOCKED_SESSIONS',

        job_type        => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',

        job_action      => 'BEGIN kill_blocked_sessions; END;',

        start_date      => SYSTIMESTAMP,

        repeat_interval => 'FREQ=MINUTELY; INTERVAL=1', -- Runs every 1 minute

        enabled         => TRUE,

        comments        => 'Automatically kills blocked sessions on specific tables.'





This setup ensures that deadlocks or blocked sessions are identified and resolved promptly, maintaining smooth database operations.


3. Verifying the Job

Once the job is created, it’s crucial to monitor its status and execution details to ensure it’s running as expected. The following queries can help:

Check Job Status:

SELECT job_name, state, last_start_date, last_run_duration

FROM   dba_scheduler_jobs



Check Job Logs:


FROM   dba_scheduler_job_run_details


These queries provide insights into the job's execution history and whether it successfully resolves blocked sessions.



By leveraging the power of Oracle's DBMS_SCHEDULER, I automated the resolution of deadlocks and blocked sessions on critical tables. This approach not only reduces manual intervention but also ensures high availability and responsiveness of the database. If you're facing similar challenges, this solution can be adapted to your environment with minimal changes.

Let me know your thoughts or share your experiences with handling deadlocks in Oracle databases!


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