Batch script to check tablespace usage and send email notification


Issue: We had a requirement for a customer, where oracle 19c database was running on Windows server 2019. Customer wanted to monitor tablespace’s datafile usage and get email alert incase the used space is less than 80%

To mitigate this , we developed a batch script leveraging powershell’s Send-Maillmessage command to achieve this.


Step 1.

First we create the sql which will be used to monitor the tablespace usage. Lets save it as E:\BackupScripts\Tbs_size_check.sql

Set lines 222

SELECT d.tablespace_name "TS Name", d.num_files "Num Files",

       d.asize "Size MB", NVL (f.freebytes, 0) "Free MB",

       (d.BYTES - NVL (f.freebytes, 0)) "Used MB",

       ((d.BYTES - NVL (f.freebytes, 0)) * 100) / d.asize "Percent Used"

  FROM (SELECT   tablespace_name, SUM (BYTES) / 1024 / 1024 freebytes

            FROM dba_free_space

        GROUP BY tablespace_name) f,

       (SELECT   tablespace_name, COUNT (DISTINCT (file_id)) num_files,

                 sum(greatest(maxbytes,bytes))/1024/1024 asize,

                 SUM (BYTES) / 1024 / 1024 BYTES

            FROM dba_data_files

        GROUP BY tablespace_name) d

 WHERE d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name(+)

   AND d.tablespace_name not like '%UNDO%'

   AND ROUND (((d.BYTES - NVL (f.freebytes, 0)) * 100) / d.asize) > 80;


Step 2.

Now lets create the batch script that will be used to monitor the tablespace usage and send an alert if the usage hits a predefined threshold value. In our case we have set threshold value to 80%. This can be modified as per the requirement.

@echo on

REM Database credentials

set DB_USER=sys

set DB_PASS=passfordb

set DB_SID=orcl

REM Email configuration


set EMAIL_SUBJECT=Tablespace Usage Alert



set EMAIL_BODY=Tablespace usage is  LOW at %HOSTNAME%. Please take appropriate action.


REM Execute SQL queries using SQL*Plus

REM Execute SQL query and send email if threshold is met

E:\app\oracle\product\19.3.0\dbhome_1\bin\sqlplus -S %DB_USER%/%DB_PASS%@%DB_SID% as sysdba @E:\BackupScripts\TS_SPACE_CHECK1.SQL > E:\TABLESPACE_USAGE.txt

cd E:\

REM Read usage percent and tablespace name from TABLESPACE_USAGE.txt

for /f "tokens=1,6" %%a in (E:\TABLESPACE_USAGE.txt) do (

    set tablespace_name=%%a

    set usage_percent=%%b


rem echo %usage_percent%

    REM Check if usage_percent is greater than or equal to the threshold

if %usage_percent% GEQ 80 (

        REM Send email alert with tablespace name and usage percentage

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "Send-MailMessage -From '' -To %EMAIL_RECIPIENT% -Subject '%EMAIL_SUBJECT%' -Body '%EMAIL_BODY%' -SmtpServer '' -Attachments '%ATTACHMENTS%'"



Open task scheduler and follow the following steps to schedule the batch script to run every 1 hour.


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