Oracle OSWatcher installation steps

Oracle OSWatcher Black Box (OSWbb) collects and archives operating system and network metrics that you can use to
diagnose performance issues. OSWbb operates as a set of background processes on the server and gathers data on a
regular basis, invoking such Unix utilities as vmstat, netstat, iostat, and top.

1. Download oswatcher from oracle support.

OSWatcher (Doc ID 301137.1) .This tool doesnt require any license.

2. Copy and untar the file :
[root@server3 u01]#mkdir /u01/OSW/
upload the OSWatcher inside the above directory.

[root@server3 OSW]# tar -xvf oswbb831.tar
[root@server3 OSW]# ls -ltr
total 2629832
drwxr-xr-x  9 root   root          4096 Aug  2 01:04 oswbb
-rw-r--r--  1 root   root        4823040 Oct 17 07:48 oswbb831.tar

[root@server3 u01]# chmod 755 -R oswbb
[root@server3 u01]# chown oracle:oinstall -Rf oswbb

[oracle@server3 OSW]$ cd oswbb/
[oracle@server3 oswbb]$ nohup ./ 300 10 &
[1] 2839
[oracle@server3 oswbb]$ nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'

300 – > Means snapshot interval in seconds.
10 -> the number of hours of archive data to store
3.Validate whether oswatcher is running or not

[oracle@server3 oswbb]$ ps -ef | grep OSW
oracle     2839   2716  0 08:26 pts/1    00:00:00 /bin/sh ./ 300 1
oracle     2864   2716  0 08:26 pts/1    00:00:00 grep OSW
[oracle@server3 oswbb]$

We can also tail the nohup.out file to see its progress.

4.Once data capture is done, take backup of Archive folder only and transfer it to your local system
to generate a report from this captured data.

We can generate graphs for CPU and memory and disk io statistics from the oswatcher collected files for a particular time period.
Make sure the oswatcher files exists for that timeframe.


[oracle@server3 oswbb]$java -jar /u01/OSW/oswbb/oswbba.jar -I  ARCHIVE_LOCATION  -B  BEGIN_TIME -E END_TIME


java -jar /u01/OSW/oswbb/oswbba.jar -I /u01/OSW/owsbb/archive/ -b Oct 17 11:00:00 2019 -e Oct 17 15:00:00 2019 -D

The above example shows we generated a report for a certain time  frame. If we would like to generate a report
from the entire amount of captured data use the following command.

java -jar /u01/OSW/oswbb/oswbba.jar -I /u01/OSW/owsbb/archive/

The above example shows we generated a report for a certain time  frame. If we would like to generate a report
from the entire amount of captured data use the following command.

Navigate to analysis/hostname/dashboard folder and open the index.html file.

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