@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set my_date=%date% set my_time=%TIME% set my_hours=%my_time:~0,2% set my_minutes=%my_time:~3,2% set my_seconds=%my_time:~6,2% rem Configure email settings set
TO_EMAIL=soumya.das@email.com set
FROM_EMAIL=noreply@alerts.com set SMTP_SERVER=smtp.gmail.com set SMTP_PORT=587 set SMTP_USER=noreply@alerts.com set SMTP_PASSWORD=Password set SUBJECT="Service
Monitor Alert" rem List of services to monitor
(add more as needed) set
"SERVICES=OracleServiceORCL OracleOraDB19Home1TNSListener" rem Create a temporary file to
store service status set STATUS_FILE=status.txt rem Loop through the services
and check their status using PowerShell for %%s in (%SERVICES%) do ( sc query "%%s" | find
"STATE" | find "RUNNING" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo %%s service is not running. if not exist !STATUS_FILE! ( echo Sending email notification. powershell -command
"Send-MailMessage -From '%FROM_EMAIL%' -To '%TO_EMAIL%' -Subject
'%SUBJECT%' -Body 'The %%s service is not running.' -SmtpServer
'%SMTP_SERVER%' -Port %SMTP_PORT% -UseSsl -Credential (New-Object
PSCredential('%SMTP_USER%', (ConvertTo-SecureString '%SMTP_PASSWORD%'
-AsPlainText -Force)))" rem Create the status file to
indicate that an alert has been sent echo DOWN > !STATUS_FILE! ) ) else ( echo %%s service is running. if exist !STATUS_FILE! ( echo Sending email notification. powershell -command
"Send-MailMessage -From '%FROM_EMAIL%' -To '%TO_EMAIL%' -Subject
'Service Monitor Alert' -Body 'The %%s service is now running.' -SmtpServer
'%SMTP_SERVER%' -Port %SMTP_PORT% -UseSsl -Credential (New-Object
PSCredential('%SMTP_USER%', (ConvertTo-SecureString '%SMTP_PASSWORD%'
-AsPlainText -Force)))" rem Delete the status file to
indicate that the service is running del !STATUS_FILE! ) ) ) endlocal |
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batch script to send email notification once if any service goes down and sends mail once service is up
Hi Everyone,
Recently I came across an issue where oracle service on windows was getting stopped due to some reason. Since customer was not using any monitoring tool, it was very hard to track when the service was going down.
To mitigate the problem , I wrote a batch script which will monitor oracleservice and listener service on windows . The script will send a mail once notifying service has gone down and once service comes back it will send another notification on email with service is running message.
Save the following script in .bat format and schedule it as per your requirement in task scheduler.
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